Lockdown in Eastern part of Austria: meeting even during the day only with 1 person

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Health Minister Anschober presents the regulation for the Lockdown East on Monday. If it stays with the last draft, the regulations will be a very strict one!

The numbers are rising and rising. Therefore, more and more doubt that the so-called “Easter rest” in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland will actually last only from April 1 to 6 and expect a tougher lockdown: from Saturday to Sunday alone, there were 2,679 new infections, the number of deaths rose by 25 to 9,256.

The details of the lockdwon rules:

Personal meetings may only take place during the day, even at Easter. These meetings may only take place between close contacts. These are contacts with the life partner not living in the common household, individual closest relatives (parents, children and siblings) and individual important reference persons with whom physical or non-physical contact is usually maintained several times a week. Even if these persons live in other federal states, they are allowed to enter Vienna, Lower Austria or Burgenland or to leave the rest of the country from April 1 to 6.

Buy Easter gifts in time! Stores will close for six days from April 1, with a few exceptions (pharmacies, gas stations); supermarkets will remain open, but will no longer be allowed to sell some items (toys, flowers, electrical appliances).

Click & Collect will also be prohibited.

As reported, food can no longer be collected from restaurants, and Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the city. Only delivery services are allowed to deliver. This will hit the catering industry hard. Virologists had already demanded for a long time that one permits – as in other countries – only delivery services, in order to contain the mobility of populace. For the already beleaguered restaurant industry, however, this is another bitter blow.

FFP2 masks will be mandatory in the workplace from Maundy Thursday (1.4.). In the ordinance, concrete regulations for schools, the border regime, the FFP2 mask obligation at the workplace and the occupational group tests are not yet apparent.

Today, Anschober is consulting with the social partners. The business community is against closures. “In the first half of the week,” according to the ministry, another round of talks with the three eastern provincial governors will take place. That the measures will be tightened after the talks, that the lockdown will be extended, is not ruled out in the ministry. The Corona Commission warned as early as Feb. 25 that a “recent dynamic increase” in covid cases could cause the situation in intensive care units to “collapse.”

According to the Health Ministry the planned regulations are still subjected for approval by the Austrian Parliament.

  • source: orf.at and heute.at/picture: pixabay.com
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